Animal Crossing tips for animal crossing new horizons

 Animal Crossing tips for animal crossing new horizons

This post i will talk about Animal Crossing new horizons a 13 essential tips for animal crossing new horizons that you shoult to know , whether you're new to Animal Crossing or,a veteran we've compiled a list of 13,essential tips that will make Island,living in New Horizons as smooth as,possible here we go:

Animal Crossing new horizons - 13 essential tips for animal crossing new horizons

1 one day,at a time with Animal Crossing it's,important to take it one day at a time,unlike most games bingeing Animal,Crossing isn't the most efficient way to,progress instead you should check on,your town daily as your island evolves most major milestones like upgrading,your shop expanding your house and,building the museum don't take effect,until the day after you initiate the,upgrade so be patient

 2 the,shovel volting pole and ladder if you've,played Animal Crossing before you might,be wondering where you can get a shovel,if you're not there are certain tools,you won't be able to get until day two,once you've donated 5 bugs or fish to,Tom Nook blathers will set up a tent on,your island when you first meet the,scholarly owl he will give you a DIY,recipe for a shovel and a vaulting Pole,the vaulting pole will help you traverse,more of the island but you won't be able,to venture up the cliffs until day three,when thomna gives you a DIY recipe for,the collapsible ladder

3 buy,everything we recommend buying,everything you can from Timmy and Tommy,each day especially if they are offering,something you don't have there are a,couple reasons for this first when you,buy or find a piece of furniture,wallpaper or flooring you don't have,that item automatically gets added to,your catalog this means that you can,order that item once again whenever,you'd like using the Nook stop machine,you can even earn Nick miles for having,lots of items in your catalog which is a,nice bonus second you need to spend your,hard-earned bells at nook's cranny in,order to get the store to upgrade down,the line

4 wasps shaking trees,may seem like a harmless way to spend,your time an animal crossing new,horizons but occasionally you will,disturb a wasp's nest the first time a,wasp stings you your I will get swollen,the second time you will pass out we,recommend shaking trees with a net,equipped that way if you rattle a nest,or two you can quickly catch the swarm,before you get stung if protecting your,face wasn't a good enough reason to,catch a wasp you can also sell them for,2500 bells each

5 eat fruit this,time around eating fruit actually has,some uses every time you snack on a,piece of,you'll see this counter go up in the top,right-hand corner each fruit you eat,basically gives you one super-strong,ability like digging up a whole tree or,destroying a rock well we don't,recommend destroying rocks in your town,as they hold key crafting materials as,well as money digging up trees and,replanting them somewhere else is a,great way to rearrange your towns layout,without causing mass deforestation if,you go to a deserted island using a nook,miles ticket you can even swipe a tree,or two there including palm trees to,take home with you.

6 non-native fruit speaking of,fruit we don't recommend selling or,snacking on non-native fruit instead you,should plant it any fruit apart from,coconuts that isn't native to your,island will sell for five hundred bells,by planting fruit trees you'll have a,consistent source of income

7 donate to the museum,whenever you uncover a new fossil or,catch a new insector fish we recommend,donating it to the museum right away if,you want to upgrade blathers tent into,the museum early on the quickest way to,do that is to donate everything you find,and catch.

8 hit rocks it,sounds weird but you can hit rocks with,an ax or a shovel to get resources out,of them there's also one random Rock,each day that will eject money when you,hit it so we recommend hitting all your,rocks each day to stock up on resources,and to get some extra cash you need to,hit rocks in quick succession to get,everything out of them so dig two holes,behind you to brace yourself from the,recoil so you don't have to readjust,your position and waste time

9 talk to your villagers every day they,might give you DIY recipes or random,gifts they'll give you tips or hint at,special npcs who are visiting and,they're also just really cute you can,also get nook miles for talking to and,befriending your neighbors so there's,really no reason not to say hi.

10 visit deserted islands as you play,you'll collect nook miles for doing,everyday tasks and hitting big,milestones you can spend Nuuk miles at,the Nook stop machine and there are a,variety of important items and even,abilities you can only get this way one,of the big ones is a nook miles ticket,which you can use at the airport to,travel to smaller deserted islands these,islands have a ton of natural resources,including weeds if you've run out of,them on your,and you might even run into villagers,there are even rarer islands that are,rife with money-making opportunities,including money rocks and rare bugs,

11 visit other people's islands,you'll also want to head to the airport,from time to time to visit your friends,islands you can sell your islands fruit,in your friends store provided they have,a different fruit and you can increase,your chance of money-making in the,turn-up trade by checking your friends,turn up prices plus you get note miles,for visiting and hosting other players.

12 how to crossbreed flowers,there are some insects that only appear,around hybrid flowers like the peacock,butterfly so you'll want to grow some as,soon as you can if you're lucky you,might find someone a deserted island but,they're not too hard to grow either,plant two flowers of the same kind next,to each other and water them and you'll,have a chance of finding a new flower,the next day for example two red tulips,can make black tulips wall red and,yellow tulips make orange tulips and red,and white tulips make pink tulips,experiment with different color combos,to see what rare flowers you get

13 tarantulas depending on what,hemisphere you're in you may have,encountered a future Angela's by now,they can be a bit intimidating but if,you manage to catch one it sells for,easy 8,000 bells in order to catch one,of these spiders you'll need to ready,your net and creep up to it if it rears,up at you freeze when it relaxes you can,inch closer until you are close enough,to swing your net if you just picked up,Animal Crossing be sure to check out our guide and money making hack and cheats tips for Animal crossing new horizons.



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